Download NBA 2k14 Ultimate Custom Roster Update v7.0 : June 10th, 2016. Updated trades, roster pattern, added retiree vault and added overseas vault.
How to use
- Main Files
- Download all the files under “Main Files”.
- Extract the downloaded files using 7zip.
- Copy the content of extracted folder and paste it in NBA 2k14 Main Game Folder. Replace existing files when prompted.
- Roster Files:
- Download the latest AppData File.
- Extract the downloaded files using 7zip.
- Copy the roster you want from its folder and paste it in NBA 2k14 Saves Folder.
- e.g. Copy the roster from NBA 2k14 Roster v7.0 - Appdata Files - June 10, 2016 - HoopsVilla » With Signature Skills » Meds Roster Assoc.ROS and paste it in NBA 2k14 Saves Folder.
- Play NBA 2k14. Go to ‘Main Menu’ » ‘Options’ » ‘Load/Save’ » ‘Load’ » load the Custom Roster file.
- Play with the updated roster.
- Updated Positions, Animations, Ratings, Accessories, Rotations
- Changed Roster Formats
- Added Team Colors (Assoc, Exhibition & Blacktop) Added Overseas Vault 1 to 12 Added Retiree Vault 1 to 3
- Over 250 players have been added to the roster.
- Over 200 players have been unlocked and added to the Overseas Vault (players that are currently playing overseas, and not free agents in the NBA; total 12 vaults have been added)
- Almost 50 retired players are added to the Retiree Vault - players that are alive and have retired in last five years (since 2011)t
New Roster Format
Old Format
- Assoc – The roster for Association/MyCareer/Season/Playoffs mode. All-Star teams are locked, making them only available in the All-Star Weekend.
- WI (With Injuries) – The roster for Exhibition mode with player injuries implemented in rotations. Rotations are the same as the Assoc roster, but with the All-Star teams & Rising Stars teams unlocked in exhibition mode, making them unavailable in the All-Star Weekend.
- WOI (Without Injuries) – The roster for Exhibition mode assuming players are not injured in rotations. Rotations have all of their best players uninjured and playing in the lineups, but with the All-Star teams & Rising Stars teams unlocked in exhibition mode, making them unavailable in the All-Star Weekend.
- Blacktop – The roster for Blacktop mode. All players, including stars, are unlocked in Blacktop mode.
New Format
- Assoc — The primary roster for Association/MyCareer/Season/Playoffs mode. All-Star teams are locked, making them only available in the All-Star Weekend. True Team Colors Implemented.
- Exhibition — The roster for Exhibition mode assuming players are not injured in rotations. Rotations have all of their best players uninjured and playing in the lineups, but with the All-Star teams & Rising Stars teams unlocked in exhibition mode, making them unavailable in the All-Star Weekend. True Team Colors Implemented.
- Fantasy — The roster for Association/MyCareer/Season/Playoffs mode. All-Star teams are locked, making them only available in the All-Star Weekend. Adaptive Team Colors Implemented.
- Blacktop — The roster for Blacktop mode. All players, including stars, are unlocked in Blacktop mode. True Team Colors Implemented.
DownloadDownload Med’s Roster v7.0